


Odslikano u zenici oka, drvo višnje se u trajanju od trinaest sekundi razvija od golih grana do pune krošnje. Period od nekoliko meseci je sažet skoro u nekoliko treptaja oka, dok je posmatrač ostao nepomičan, zagledan u drvo i pejzaž. Ovo bi mogao biti iskaz o vremenu u kome živimo, koje nas razoružava brzinom promene, iskušava našu snagu i sposobnost prilagođavanja.

Reflected in the eye of the beholder, a cherry tree develops from bare branches to full foliage in thirteen seconds. The period of several months is condensed into mere eye blinks, while the observer remaines motionless, watching the tree and  the landscape. This could be a statement about the time that we live in , the time that challenges us with the speed of changes, tempts our strenght and abillity to adapt.



Anica Vučetić je rođena 1962. u Beogradu. Diplomirala, i magistrirala na slikarskom odseku Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu. Realizovala dvadeset tri samostalne i učestvovala na oko sto grupnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu. Dobitnik je više nagrada, među kojima i Politikine nagrade za najbolju izložbu u 2009. godini. Bavi se: objektima, instalacijama, mobilima, ambijentima i video instalacijama.          Anica Vučetić was born in 1962 in Belgrade, Serbia. She got her BA and MA degree at the Painting department at the University of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Since 1981 she had twenty-three one-man shows, and participated  in about a hundred group exhibitions in : Ex Yugoslavia, Germany, Nederland, Japan, Brazil, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, USA, Canada. For her work, she received several awards, including Politika Award for the best solo exhibition in 2009. She works on: objects, installations, environments, video installations and video environments.