A painter who has a love of life, light and a luxurious color palette, can rightly name her exhibition Treetops and Fruits, since that title entails a period which includes painting, raising her small sons and short absences from the real life, surrendering to one’s own imagination and disencumbered passions.

            Ivana Prlincevic, whom I have come to know during her period of studies at the School of Fine Arts, has remained the same spontaneous person, who used to emanate fresh, sharp and at the same time warm drawing impulses, which today present the foundation of her comprehension of painting.

            A momentary sensation with a quick visual memory, through tumultuous emotional reactions, is the mechanism which Ivana Prlincevic uses to create her paintings. They contain momentary scenes from the lives of her small sons, their toys, the parks they visit, as well as scenes of beautiful sensations, natural phenomenon. Such as: voluptuously blooming spring branches of a tree with a joy reminiscent of Van Gogh, or Picking Sour Cherries, a little man on an elongated and defiantly beautiful trunk of a sour cherry tree. Two Twin birches reflected in the blue skies speak of the beauty and miracle of nature. Many refined blue nuances are most likely a yearning reminiscent of frequent visits to the coast. Blues and so important to them orange, purple and yellow surfaces, often in the function of a reinforced drawing, can best be perceived in such simple and provocative compositions which make up the paintings of figs, which have just been spontaneously arranged into crates placed on the counters of the green market of Ivana’s favorite place on the coast.

            Ivana Prlincevic’s paintings emit an endless humanity, authentic purity of soul and child-like joy in uncovering her “painting secrets”. A clear painted sound, ease of stroke and great happiness of painting, are the most obvious impressions when we come upon her paintings. This exhibition is a beautiful creative and simultaneously true life story, of the striking and so characteristic physical appearance of Ivana Prlincevic that we can only wish for this story to continue, together with happiness and, naturally, those who will enjoy her paintings.

In Benidorm      
October 1, 2009                                                                                                                                                Andjelka Bojović




Today when Time is in short supply, when a bombardment of visual information and reduced fine arts coldness is an imperative of fast and concise communication, Ivana’s paintings are the silver edge of a gray cloud of reality.

The figure is part of the mise-en-scène, sometimes part of the emphasis, often a lot less important than a live shadow, a stroke of the brush. Sometimes the figure turns into green spirits of trees, an energy which nature itself has given birth to. Large rich treetops, warm branches, flowers and fruit perceived as small heads.

Fireworks of color, strokes, description, present us with Gifts which need Time, to open, read and give.

That is a vision lost for many. A vision into the World which can return you to it.

                                                                                                                                                                             Toni Aničin

   translated by Biljana Ačkovski Petrović 

