Crtanje je u radu umetnika Selmana Trtovca primarni oblik izražavanja, prvi impuls u razvoju neke forme ili akcije. Kada govori o crtanju, on pod crtanjem podrazumevam univerzalni princip vizuelnog komponovanja. Crtanje, kako sam umetnik kaže, predstavlja mogućnost da se uđe u naročito, reklo bi se povišeno, stanje svesti. U takvim situacijama mobilišu se svi resursi svesti.


Crtezi pod naslovom Stop making sense su nastali tokom leta 2012. godine, odnosno tokom autorovog boravka u ateljeu Rondo u Gracu.


Veoma prosta sredstva kao što su olovka i papir, bez tehnološke nadgradnje svojstvene današnjim vizuelnim praksama, prisiljavaju autora da se usredsredi na ono što je zaista bitno u umetnosti. Crtež ne trpi mistifikovanje, niti varku, znanje tu veoma malo znači, jer znanje se može naučiti ili dalje proslediti, ali istina ne. Ona se mora spoznati!



Drawing is primary form of expression in the work of artists Selman Trtovac, the first impulse in the development of some form or action. When he talks about drawing, he means universal principle of visual composition. Drawing, as the artist says, is an opportunity to get into the particular, elevated, state of mind. Artist mobilizes the entire consciousness in such situations.

Drawings titled Stop Making Sense are made during the summer 2012 in the time of author's stay at the studio Rondo in Graz.

Very simple tools such as pencil and paper, without the technological upgrading inherent for current visual practices, forcing the author to focus on what really matters in art. Drawing does not tolerate any mystification or illusion, knowledge means very little, because knowledge can be learned or forwarded, but the truth cannot be. The truth must be recognized!
