Ciklus slika pod nazivom “Prazan prostor” nastao je u periodu od 2007. do 2009. godine, slikan tehnikom ulja na platnu, velikih formata, geometrizovano i gotovo monohrono, prikazuje prazne stambene i javne prostore kao i uprošćene urbane pejzaže. Prazni, pomalo beživotni prostori ukazuju na način i brzinu života savremenog čoveka, koga je iznedrilo moderno doba i koji funkcioniše u različitim sferama identiteta i koji se velikom brzinom udaljava od suštinskih vrednosti života. Posmatrač je jedino živo biće ukljuceno u sliku. Svako prisustvo figure na slici narušilo bi idealan sklad arhitektonske forme kao što bi blizina jednog bića drugome narušila njegovu sopstvenu savršenost.
The cycle of paintings entitles “Empty Spaces” appeared in the period between 2007 and 2008, painted in the oil on canvas technique, of large formats, geometrical and almost monochrome, it illustrates housing and public spaces as well as simplified urban landscapes. Empty, somewhat lifeless spaces point to the manner and speed of life of today’s contemporary man, sprung as a consequence of the modern times who functions in diverse spheres of identity and who moves away from the fundamental values of life at great speed. The viewer is the only living being included in the painting. Any presence of a figure in the painting would disturb the ideal harmony of the architectural form just as the presence of one being would disturb the unique perfection of another being.