



Suzana Vuksanović


A thing becomes an object when it encounters a subject or is it the other way round?


Light is everything. 

Light is both perception - how we see everything we experience - and how we remember the moment.  It's how we experience color, texture, dimension and even mood.

It's how we sense and record the environmental ambience or 'feel' of a space. 

It provides that X-factor that's either there or it isn't.[1]




























The basic idea of Subjects of Light is based on juxtaposition, collision, as well as on comparison and mutual continuation/extension of the (illusory) opposites: design – art, light – darkness, subject – object. The open point of the exhibition’s concept is visible in highlighting mutual differences, as well as in emphasizing the common ground i.e. places of encounter, integration, connection and interlacement of contemporary art and design…


Therefore, the show presents a kind of exercise and comprehension of these two fields of activities as a space for researching and expanding all kinds of boundaries (for example, purpose or aim). Therefore, we are talking about selected works being certain visual and tactile metaphors which equally bring under focus utility, as well as opposition to any applicability or usability.

That is how the meeting points of the mentioned contrasts are actually contained in numerous dualisms: usable and decorative, object and subject, light and darkness, material and immaterial, visible and invisible, esthetics and ideology/ontology…


The transition from the field of design into the field of modern art and/or vice versa happens mainly naturally and easily because, amongst other things, both design and contemporary art have been deprived of their idealized roles and their guaranteed place in the real world a long time ago, while the growing demands of the market for a clear and specific concept erases boundaries between visual arts, crafts and design in various ways.


Also, the leitmotiv of the show Subjects of Light, visible at first glance, is the light itself i.e. the potential of the selected works to radiate, produce or absorb and hide light.



The quality of light is exceptionally subtle, and light is an unfathomable and unpredictable material. Fragility, sensitivity, as well as a number of light effects create a completely new space in which the displayed objects are the very reason of their complete transformation and deformation. The spatiality of the shown pieces has expanded to the limits where the light which they emit/dispatch spreads, to the point where these artistic objects, as the sources of light, are simultaneously transformed into subjects, champions of the scene, the main actors of the event and situation which in actual fact is the object of attention of the visitors. And the exhibition therefore is turned into an event.

      [1] http://lightlinklighting.com/                                                                            

                                                                                                                                                              translated by Biljana Ačkovski Petrović